My Mother’s 1940s Bracelets – Restored

Several years ago, I admired a bright red ring in a Colorado jewellery store. The manager told me it had been coated and cured in automotive paint. The ring was expensive, and we were in a hurry, so I didn’t have time to make a shopping decision. I walked away from it, but I still think about that ring! 

Terry Allington is a long-time friend and project partner. I follow him on Instagram and noticed several posts of fishing lures refinished in automotive paint. He posted other refinished items too. The more he posted, the more I became obsessed with the memory of the shiny red ring. 

I thought that any of Terry’s colourful fishing lures could be worn as a pendant on a chain, so I casually asked him if he ever refinished jewellery. I told him I had tucked away two bracelets of sentimental value many years ago. The finish on the jewellery was gone in places, but I couldn’t part with them because my father gave them to my mother during their courtship in the mid-forties.


Terry is a videographer and talented editor and knows a good story when he hears one. I showed him the two bracelets and shared their history. I asked him to try refinishing the pieces and assured him that I wouldn’t be upset if they came to harm. 

Terry stumbled upon this new interest in 2021 when he asked an autobody paint expert to personalize his video equipment so it would be easy to identify on a shoot. Terry was inspired as he watched the process from sandblasting to paint powder application. The curing process and the resulting glossy finish filled him with creative ideas. He went home to his garage workshop and began experimenting. Soon he was sandblasting and refinishing everything from fishing lures to cabinet pulls. The arrival of my bracelets motivated him to practice on some thrift store jewellery. 

When I mentioned that he was becoming an artisan, he laughed, but then he added, “The process really is kind of addicting. The colours and their combinations are endless.”

I now wear my successfully restored bracelets often. I also own shiny black candlesticks, which Terry restored from their slightly worn brass state. My mind is full of items I want to show him. 

My beautiful shiny red cuff reminds me of the Colorado ring.

Terry provides me with an opportunity to bring new life to stored items. Maybe you should go through your heirloom costume jewellery and consider restoring a piece in a deliciously rich automotive colour. I think of my parents every time I wear one of these bracelets. Terry even designed a water bottle bearing my Glamour for Grandmothers’ logo.  He is perfecting his artisanal skill with every piece he restores. 

Terry can work on almost anything metal. He charges a consultation fee and applies a certain percentage of that fee to his work, should the customer decide to proceed. You can contact Terry at

Terry at work.

Follow Terry on Instagram: twa120

6 Responses

  1. Terry does amazing work! Lily (and Dude) are the recipients of some of his work! His first pair of red earrings are Lily’s favorite! Dude hopes to get some work done from Terry on his Daytona! ????

  2. Congrats Maureen, you have an amazing talent. You enjoy experimental design and share it with the world. Well done my friend.

  3. Wow, making the old look great again.
    Tell Terry I’m coming over to see what he can do for me – hmmm. I wonder what colour would look awesome on an over-70 frame?

  4. Great idea to restore those things! Memories are priceless. Red is such a vibrant colour!
    Always enjoy your stories. Thanks for this one.

  5. How interesting! I love how you enable things to be restored and renewed. I especially love how you introduce your readers to someone who is doing awesome things!

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